“By clicking on the PrimeGlobal logo link or the text link below, you will leave the ALPHA-AUDIT website. ALPHA-AUDIT is not responsible for the content of the PrimeGlobal website nor the content of the websites of other independent member firms of PrimeGlobal. Equally, PrimeGlobal is not responsible for the content of the websites of independent member firms, including the ALPHA-AUDIT website.”
PrimeGlobal (an award winning) is one of the 5 largest associations of independent accounting firms in the world, comprised of approximately 300 highly successful independent public accounting firms in over 100 countries. PrimeGlobal’s independent member firms house a combined total of over 3,000 partners, 26,000 employees and a combined revenue of over than USD 3.5 billion. Our main purpose is to provide our member firms and their clients with a powerful pipeline to build relationships with one another and share ideas and business opportunities.
For details about PrimeGlobal and the services it offers its independent member firms visit the PrimeGlobal website at http://www.primeglobal.net/
ALPHA-AUDIT is a member of PrimeGlobal, a worldwide association of independent accounting firms. PrimeGlobal does not and cannot offer any professional services to clients. Each independent member of PrimeGlobal is a separate firm and an independent legal entity. PrimeGlobal is not a partnership and independent member firms are not acting as agents of PrimeGlobal or other independent member firms.